So, I’m currently in a situation. A frustrating customer service situation where I am about to be charged a fee for something that is not my fault. It’s not fair, it’s not right and I’m not going to stand for it. However, as much as I want to curse and make loud declarations, I am going to try my best to use kind words. I am aware that the person on the other end of the email is at work, doing their job. A job that even if they love, they still would probably love to be somewhere else. Like on a beach or hiking a mountain or just on their couch with a pint of ice cream. They aren’t invested in my problem or out to get me personally, they are just following an insane policy. So, here I am telling myself to get out of my feelings and know that a cooler, kinder head may prevail.
How many times have we been taught the golden rule to treat others how you want to be treated? Keeping that in mind, I had to step back and draft my email to Joe Blow in Cross Station, Iowa, Oregon, where ever, like I had a smile on my face. I added a please. I added a humble tone. I added the injustice of my situation in hopes of reaching his human potential of empathy and then I hit send. I didn’t curse him out, I didn’t call him or the policy stupid, I didn’t threaten or get nasty. I just tried to be kind and prayed kindness would find it’s way back to me. The reply I got back still isn’t solving my situation, but it was much nicer and slightly helpful. So, score one point for positivity and a gold star for me exercising some maturity. Growth is good. I just might stick with it.