About Leigh Kenna

It’s me! Who? Me, of course. Here are some random things about me to get to  know me and why I hope this blog will open your views.

  1. I was born in Philadelphia, Pa and moved to Atlanta when I was 13ish.
  2. Atlanta really isn’t the South, the rest of Georgia however, is. It was a culture shock regardless.
  3. I went to college, went to grad school and then went to law school. I’m still figuring out what I want to do. But that’s ok and you can read about it here.
  4. I’m a learner, always learning, but that also means I move on to a different topic fairly quickly. So I may have ADHD.
  5. I’ve learned to value friendships, love and time. You should, too.
  6. I’m a mom to one, trying for two, but it hasn’t happened yet. Blessed but frustrated.
  7. I’ve been judgmental, but my husband has helped me to be better. Be better, it’s good.
  8. I’m married. To a guy. A wonderful guy. He isn’t perfect. And our marriage isn’t either. It still works really well.
  9. My child isn’t perfect either, but I think he is.
  10. I identify as black because, America. Which means I’m an ethnic mix, like a lot of America, but still black. And I’m proud of that, but don’t like some stereotypes that go with it. Read about that here.
  11. I’m a Christian, but I don’t like how some use Christianity as a political platform and don’t have the principles to match.
  12. I believe honesty will get you far, but sometimes it isn’t appropriate.
  13. I have burned bridges while still standing on them. Don’t do that.
  14. I’ve lost one parent and the other is my best friend. I’m not interested in losing her.
  15. I lost 20 lbs during pregnancy and gained 20 lbs after I gave birth. That’s my life. Read about that here.
  16. I need to lose weight, but I have an on again-off again relationship with exercise.  And ice cream.
  17. As I write this, I have determined my husband is a jerk. I still love him.
  18. No one has all of the answers, but life definitely requires questions. You should ask them.
  19. I often let my nail polish get chipped, that’s bad. I am sometimes a mess.
  20. I often like to believe that I am not a mess. Sigh.
  21. I love 18th and 19th century period films. I would have loved to have seen the clothes, chinoiserie, Rococo style, and music in person. But alas, I probably would have been a slave so, no.
  22. I am blogging to help myself grow. I hope to help you, too.
  23. I once dreamed of being a poet, but a professor told me I didn’t have it. I then went on to win poetry awards. Ha!
  24. Listen to your dreams when they speak to you. Don’t walk by the door of opportunity by only focusing on the path of practicality. See, here.
  25. FIFA is maddening. #Chelsea rules. Or at least it does in my house.
  26. That was the first time I’ve ever used a hashtag. I’m technology challenged.
  27. #Drake looks like he enjoys life, even when he’s supposed to be losing. My second hashtag. I’m on a roll. Anyway, Drake looks like fun. And #MeghanMarkle and her new life do, too. But then again, royal rules, maybe not.
  28. Always spurge on your hotel rooms. Fly coach if you must, but try to stay in five star. Use points, AAA discounts, slip a tip, whatever.
  29. My family has Caribbean/British roots, I’ll drink tea all day.
  30. I could sit in the Philadelphia Art Museum for days. Museums are good for your soul.
  31. My child required open heart surgery at  7 months, which taught me you can handle more than you think. And God works in unexpected ways.
  32. I would love to write about life hacks to save time, but I don’t have the time to try them.
  33. I like introspective/inspirational commercials.
  34. Whenever I watch the Olympics I always think I should take up some sport and be an Olympian, too. Because surely it is easy. All it takes is determination and a good sports drink.
  35. I’m dramatic. And perpetually hopeful.
  36. My child is currently tearing up the house, so I should go. My life is always on the go. Brevity is underrated.
  37. Fly Eagles Fly. But please sign Kapernick so I can watch.