
Today, I taught my child how to color inside the lines. I instructed him to make sure he used his crayon just inside the shapes of the objects and to make sure everything was clean and neat. While he was coloring a crane with the precision intent only a toddler can master, I pointed out that the body of the machine and the window should be different colors. But when I did this, it hit me, that coloring inside the lines never lent itself to creativity or individuality. Shouldn’t I be teaching him to color both inside and out, choose his own colors, make his picture whatever his heart desired? I mean, the frame of the crane doesn’t have to be the standard construction machine yellow. The background of the picture can match the objects if that’s what he wanted. Or, I wondered, is it against the principles of discipline to teach him to color outside of the lines? At some point in his life he will have to conform to something. Where coloring in the lines will be necessary. And even as a black man, life saving. So then, how do I teach him when it is appropriate and safe to figuratively draw the line at convention and live outside the lines?

The thing is I don’t have the answers, but I do have my own life’s experiences. For example, I always wanted to write. When I was 9, I wrote my first book. It was about a Native American boy battling a monster on the other side of a forbidden hill. I did illustrations and all. But as time went on, writing fell by the wayside so that I could concentrate on checking the mandatory boxes of attending school and participating in the standard extracurricular activities. Even though when I got to college I majored in English/Creative Writing, writing wasn’t fun for me. It wasn’t the free flowing movement of putting thought to paper, but instead it was the coloring inside the lines of what the professors wanted me to do. There was not room for individuality, for my own personal growth. I was told to write a certain way, or that my writing was wrong. I was even told not to apply to an MFA program, because my professor believed he didn’t see any talent in me. So I listened and didn’t apply. I stuck to the safe route and went to a graduate program studying policy. I worked for a while, made a living, paid some bills, but still unfulfilled and still not writing, I went back to school hoping to start a career in a respected profession. Basic and conventional, I know. So it was no wonder that still coloring in the lines didn’t work. In law school, a law firm partner laughed at me during an interview because I had listed on my resume that I had won poetry awards in our law school creative writing publication (awards that my college professor told me I would never win). She laughed at me because she said she never had time to write in law school and that in her opinion writing for fun was such a frivolous thing. Needless to say, as I colored inside of the lines, I saw I faced rebuke when I dared to step out. So I continued to stay in the proverbial assigned lines for years until the calling to break free of the constraints got too loud and I had to answer. You see, I learned that coloring inside the lines with what you want to do with your life is too confining and definitely too safe. We are all put on Earth to live and as God says, to live abundantly. For me, denying what I wanted to do, what made me happy, what soothed my soul meant staying in the lines someone else had constructed. It meant not living life abundantly. But I know I was put here to live boldly and freely. Not caring what others think or say. Not needing encouragement to stay basic or approval for doing such from anyone. I’ve learned I was put here to just live my life doing what I was called to do. Living outside of the lines and full of color. And I guess, that is a starting point to teach my child.

Kind Words

So, I’m currently in a situation. A frustrating customer service situation where I am about to be charged a fee for something that is not my fault. It’s not fair, it’s not right and I’m not going to stand for it. However, as much as I want to curse and make loud declarations, I am going to try my best to use kind words. I am aware that the person on the other end of the email is at work, doing their job. A job that even if they love, they still would probably love to be somewhere else. Like on a beach or hiking a mountain or just on their couch with a pint of ice cream. They aren’t invested in my problem or out to get me personally, they are just following an insane policy. So, here I am telling myself to get out of my feelings and know that a cooler, kinder head may prevail.

How many times have we been taught the golden rule to treat others how you want to be treated? Keeping that in mind, I had to step back and draft my email to Joe Blow in Cross Station, Iowa, Oregon, where ever, like I had a smile on my face. I added a please. I added a humble tone. I added the injustice of my situation in hopes of reaching his human potential of empathy and then I hit send. I didn’t curse him out, I didn’t call him or the policy stupid, I didn’t threaten or get nasty. I just tried to be kind and prayed kindness would find it’s way back to me. The reply I got back still isn’t solving my situation, but it was much nicer and slightly helpful. So, score one point for positivity and a gold star for me exercising some maturity. Growth is good. I just might stick with it.


I’m a fairly impatient person. I like things done now or even better, done yesterday. I don’t. like. to. wait. Especially when I know I’m about to encounter an obstacle, I’d rather just get it over with. The wait to face to something, to do something, to have something can be agonizing. But I am learning that there is a lot to experience when you just slow down and patiently wait.

I think my impatience has to do with me not wanting to be in an uncomfortable situation or dealing with the fact that I am out of control of a situation. However, the reality of the situation is that in life, we are truly in less control of our situation than we think. God is the only one who really controls everything. And it is in the times that we feel like we are completely out of control of changing our situation that He makes us wait and we find out who we truly are. Waiting makes us face feelings that unsettle us or face fears that we have been too busy to confront. Waiting is a place where God tests us and shapes us into who He wants us to become. In waiting we become completely dependent upon Him, which is scary when you are always used to doing things in your own time and depending on yourself. But waiting and discovering what God wants from you, who He wants you to be and learning about your inner strength through Him (which is really the Holy Spirit) is a beautiful thing. There comes a point where you are no longer self-assured, but God assured in everything that you do and are about to face. You learn that God really does want the best for you and any pain in waiting you experience is not Him trying to hurt you, but to make you grow.

In a way, waiting can be a sort of birthing experience. You labor and groan in the wait, but once you discover God is just shaping you, you get the beautiful birthing gift of following God’s way for your life. And that is always most certainly worth the wait.

Starting Over

 New day, new start over Navy Pier.

Is it ever too late to (re)start?

So, after seeing the depressing latest Avenger’s movie (don’t worry, no spoilers), and living with someone who is generally always depressed about turning 40, I got to thinking about life and why death can be such a preoccupation.  Ok, so we all have to die, unless Christ comes early and sweeps the believers away, but if not  we all have to die. I get it. But maybe because I am perpetually optimistic, to a fault sometimes, I don’t think thinking or worrying about death has to be all consuming. Take my husband, for example, turning 40 for him has almost been a death sentence. He complains his life is over, his youth is gone, he can’t do things anymore (like dunk a basketball, umm, ok), he’s old and he’ll be dead soon.  I live with his dread everyday and it can be quite oppressive. So, being the mother of a toddler, I have mastered the art of redirection and I apply it to my husband. I tell him how great his life is (he’s a lawyer like he always dreamt!), he’s not old (at 40 he doesn’t have to worry about the superficial things of his 20s like clubbing, not having money and having random sex, which aren’t valid arguments to him), he maybe can’t dunk a basketball, but he can learn to golf, and generally that his life is good because he has a family, a house, decent clothes, good friends, and a comfortable life. But still for him, he wishes he had accomplished more by 40, more traveling, more episodes of random sex, and now it’s all gone. However, with the exception of the random sex (while married to me), I believe that whatever he wants can still be accomplished.

Take me, for example, I’m a few years from 40, but I’m not worried about it. Sure, I haven’t accomplished everything that I have wanted, my job is super, super stressful, my post-baby weight is ridiculous, and I haven’t been the most attentive friend post-baby, but generally my life is good. I have a family and home I love, friends who are supportive and a job which does offer a good amount of flexibility as a trade-off for all of the stress. And now, because I believe if you don’t like your life you can change it, here I am writing. I don’t know where this will lead, but I do know wherever it does lead, it will be good because I am finally doing what I have dreamed of and what is God’s purpose for me. So, this is what makes me encourage my husband to get up and change the things he doesn’t like despite his age. Death will surely come, but it doesn’t have to come and the expense of us forgetting to live. If there is something out there that you always wanted for yourself, why not go after it? Whatever it is. And if you are too old, like becoming a NBA star at 45, then try for the next best thing. Be the best 45-year old in a basketball league for your age and if you want to be famous, find a way to monetize it. If you want to be an actress, but think 36 is too old to start, get over it. Get a headshot, take some classes and go on some auditions. Tyler Perry always seems to be hiring. I’m not saying walk away from your day jobs to follow your dreams, unless of course you can afford to do that, but find a way to make your dreams work in your current life until a time comes where you live them full-time. Of course following your dreams or changing your life will not be easy, but if it is something that you want to do anyway, you already know it will be worth the determination, trials, and setbacks for all the success in the end. All it takes is the courage to take the first step. So, go out there, dreamers. Live that life, go get that bag, walk it like you talk it, be a trap star or whatever, but don’t waste any more seconds dying without living. And because I firmly believe in the prophet Jay-Z when he said, and I paraphrase, don’t waste my breath, I don’t know how many more of them I got left, I intend to live on purpose. Death will come, but I’m sure as hell not waiting on it.